Dr. Art Jarvis, Interim Superintendent, and Eva Collins, Deputy Superintendent of Student Academic Performance & Instructional Leadership, sit down to discuss concerns brought forth by students regarding Title IX; harassment, intimidation and bullying; and sexual harassment policies and procedures at the district. They share their appreciation for those who have collaborated with district and school staff in working collectively toward adaptable change and provide insight on the work that has been done and the work that is yet to come.

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BSD’s Commitments

Below, the district also shares the past, present and future of this body of work. We are evolving in how we listen and respond to students, as a district and a community, throughout these important matters. BSD has taken the next steps listed below to support our learning community, with the continued and renewed goal of ensuring a safe and productive learning environment for all students.

What we’ve done

  • The superintendent, district leadership, central office staff and principals have met with individuals and groups of students to provide updates on progress to address their concerns and to solicit additional insights, including how to effectively communicate progress to key audiences. Additional meetings and follow-ups are being planned.
  • A forum for families was provided at Newport High School to help families understand the process for reporting cases of harassment, intimidation and bullying, and sexual harassment. The live Microsoft Teams event was recorded and posted to the district YouTube channel and website and provided to the organizers to share with other PTSAs. The slide deck is also available on the district website.
  • BSD’s HIB paper/digital reporting form was updated in the fall. The question “Why do you think the harassment, intimidation or bullying occurred?” was removed, as well as other changes that were made in response to two listening sessions with BSD students. The Vector Solutions online form will be updated, pending an open work order with the vendor. Schools were informed that they are to use only the updated form.
    • The removed question came from a reporting form provided by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), who we have contacted to suggest removing the question on their model reporting form. They will be posting the updated BSD reporting form on their website as an example form for other districts to use.
    • The recently updated paper/digital HIB reporting form now includes a selection option to report sexual harassment. This will be updated on the online Vector Solutions form as well.
  • The district revised the HIB flowchart in response to parent requests for an easy-to-understand visual of the HIB reporting process.

The superintendent is in ongoing conversation with students about the HIB process and the flow chart that was created.

What we’re working on

  • A separate sexual harassment/3205 reporting form is in development, and student input into that form has been solicited and incorporated. Reports taken on a HIB/3207 form could then be transferred to the correct form during intake. To date, insights have resulted in a need for a user-friendly form and one that aligns with our sexual harassment policy and an individual’s rights under Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972.
  • We are offering expansion of the ASPEN course offering beyond Newport High School. This is a health course that includes making healthy choices. Should the course offering receive adequate student sign up through the registration process, the course will be offered at one additional high school during the 2022-2023 school year.
  • A new training for administrators will be added this spring on response and care for students during the Title IX and HIB reporting process.
  • We will review and consider components of the curriculum developed by King County Sexual Assault Resource Center (KCSARC).
  • We are facilitating a review of relevant policies (Policy 3205, Policy 3207, etc.), soliciting student feedback. This includes a review of expectations for follow-up with students and families.

What we’re planning

  • We will develop and provide annual training for students engaged in sports and activities, engaging coaches and assistant coaches in this training with their athletes and club participants.
  • High schools will identify a counselor at each high school to serve as the school-based resource for sexual assault. Additional training will be provided to these counselors serving in this resource capacity.
  • New requirements for comprehensive sexual health education were established by the state in December 2020. These requirements must be fully implemented by the 2022–2023 school year. The district Health and PE Curriculum Developer has already initiated a group of educators to review health curriculum requirements and develop a plan for any revisions and updates at all levels. This workgroup will be gathering input from key stakeholders, including students. A review of terminology related to consent and partner violence will be part of this effort. Currently, we review consent and partner violence in the seventh and tenth grade health courses. This has been part of the health curriculum since 2019.
The Bellevue School District acknowledges that we learn, work, live and gather on the Indigenous Land of the Coast Salish peoples, specifically the Duwamish and Snoqualmie Tribes. We thank these caretakers of this land, who have lived and continue to live here, since time immemorial.