Jing Mei Drop Off/Pick up Expectations

The following are specific arrival and dismissal procedures to keep our students safe and provide an efficient entrance and exit route to school.

K-5 Bus Riders: Students riding the bus will get off/on the bus at Location 1.  This area is to be kept open for buses.

K-5 Arrival: Students who are being dropped off by a car need to use the main parking lot.  Cars will enter off of Main Street and continue north around the perimeter of the parking lot, then follow south, where students will be dropped off at Location 2.  Please ALWAYS pull forward and NEVER park in this lane.  To keep the traffic flowing and the students safe, drop them off at the sidewalk by Location 2 where they will walk up the sidewalk and enter the building at the main entrance.  Never drop your child(ren) off on the street/drive lane side.

K-5 Dismissal (Car Pickup):  Students who are being picked up will be walked out to Location 2.  Students will stand along the south side of the building and wait for their car to pull forward.  Adults will be present to make sure all students are safe.  Please pull your car forward and stay moving around the circular drive until you reach the students on the right hand side (Location 2).  Your child will then safely enter your car.

K-5 Dismissal (Walk-Ups): Parents who are walking up and picking up their student have two designated locations. Kindergarten and 1st grade will stand under the Rainbow Arches at Location 4 near the bus loop. 2nd-5th grade parents will stand at the main entrance at Location 2.

Note:This circular drive is a FIRE LANE and there is NO PARKING in a FIRE LANE.  Vehicles that are stopped and unattended can be ticketed by the Bellevue Police at any time during the day.  To ensure the safety of our students in case of an emergency, please park in the designated parking spots around the school and NOT in the fire lane.

K-5 Walkers: Walkers can use the walkways and enter the building at the Main Entrance (location 2).  Adults who are walking and picking up their students can wait outside of the school at Location 3 for their student(s).  Reminder:  For safety, always use marked or attended crosswalks on-site and off-site with your child(ren).  Please DO NOT wait by the front doors or in the main walkways from the school at dismissal time.

K-5 Off-Site After-School Program pick-up: Off-site after-school program participants will wait at Location 4 for pick-up by their program in the main parking.

Pre-School:  Please use the Early Learning parking spots.  Then, walk your child into the early learning center (across the parking lot from parking spaces by the early learning playground) and sign your child in/out for arrival and dismissal.

**If you drive your car and want to meet your student at Location 3, please park your car in a designated parking spot and use one of the parking lot crosswalks.  The circular drive is ONLY for those staying in their cars and picking up students.

Arrival and Dismissal at Jing Mei



Please review the expectations for ARRIVAL and DISMISSAL so we can be safe. You can find them on our website.

**please make sure your child and teacher know how he/she is getting home daily.  There are four ways:

·         BUS RIDER

·         CAR PICK (staying in your car and pulling around)

·         ON FOOT (or bike) PICK UP

·         After School Care at Jing Mei

**If you drive your child to/from school it is best to STAY IN YOUR CAR and pull through the circular drive to the front of the school.  We will greet you and help your child in/out of the car without you having to leave it!  This is the safest and fastest way to drop off/pick up students for those driving in cars.



K-5年级校车:乘坐校车的学生将在位置 1 下车/上车。


K-5年级到达:自驾车下车的学生需要使用主停车场。汽车将从主街驶出,继续向北绕停车场周边行驶,然后向南行驶,学生将在位置 2 下车。请始终向前行驶,切勿将车停在该车道上。为了保持交通畅通和学生的安全,请将学生放在地点 2 的人行道上,他们将沿着人行道步行并从主入口进入大楼。切勿将您的孩子放在街道/车道一侧。




K-5年级放学:(自驾车接送): 被接走的学生将步行到地点 2。学生将沿着大楼的南侧站立,等待他们的汽车向前驶来。成人将在场,以确保所有学生的安全。请将您的车向前拉,并沿着环形车道继续行驶,直到到达右侧的学生处(位置 2)。然后您的孩子将安全进入您的汽车 。



K-5年级放学:(步行):步行去接学生的家长有两个指定地点。幼儿园和一年级将位于靠近巴士环路的位置 4 的彩虹拱门下。二至五年级的家长将站在 2 号位置的主入口处。注意:此圆形车道是消防车道,消防车道内禁止停车。贝尔维尤警方可以在一天中的任何时间对被拦截和无人看管的车辆开罚单。为确保学生在紧急情况下的安全,请把车停在学校周边指定的停车位,不要停在消防车道上。





K-5年级步行者:步行者可以使用走道并从主入口(位置 2)进入建筑物。步行接学生的成年人可以在校外 3 号地点等候学生。提醒:为了安全起见,请务必与您的孩子一起在现场和场外使用有标记或有人看管的人行横道。放学时,请不要在学校前门或主要走道上等候。



K-5年级校外课外班接学生:校外课后项目参与者将在位置 4 的主停车场等待其项目接载。 K-5 校外课外项目接机:校外课后项目参与者将在位置 4 的主停车场等待其项目接载。



**如果您驾驶汽车并希望在地点 3 与您的学生会面,请将您的汽车停放在指定停车位并使用停车场人行横道之一。环形车道仅供那些留在车内接学生的人使用。









· 校车

· 自驾车接送(留在车里并尽可能向前移动)

· 步行(或骑自行车)接送

· 在景美校区的课后托管
