Children grow and develop in different ways and at different speeds. If you have concerns about their development talk to your preschool teacher, pediatrician or contact ChildFind at (425) 456-4171.


  • Knows letters and numbers are different
  • Names most letters of the alphabet
  • Makes many of the letter sounds
  • Enjoys reading books or being read to
  • Can hold a book carefully
  • Can draw most of the letters in their name
  • Understands letters can be made into words
  • Knows that words are a way that we can communicate with others


  • Plays well with other children
  • Says a child that they play with is their friend
  • Shares with others and is able to take turns
  • Can let an adult know if they need help
  • Tries to use words to solve a conflict


  • Speaks clearly so other people can understand their words
  • Is able to have a conversation
  • Can tell a simple story in any language


  • Gets from one place to another using different types of movement
  • Can hold a pencil


  • Is curious about new things or ideas
  • Can come up with ideas to solve a problem
  • Sorts objects by one or more feature
  • Remembers and retells a family activity


  • Counts the number of items in a group
  • Uses words like “all” and “some” to describe an amount of items
The Bellevue School District acknowledges that we learn, work, live and gather on the Indigenous Land of the Coast Salish peoples, specifically the Duwamish and Snoqualmie Tribes. We thank these caretakers of this land, who have lived and continue to live here, since time immemorial.