If you reside outside the walking perimeter and require transportation, you will be notified by the Transportation Department prior to the start of the school year. You will be told your designated pick-up and drop-off point and time. Transportation will also send you information regarding policies and procedures for bus riders. We expect all Enatai students to follow Enatai rules and expectations, whether on campus, in the classroom, on a field trip, on the bus, or waiting for the bus. If you are in doubt about whether your student may ride the bus, please call Transportation at (425)456-4512.

We encourage you to have your child ride the bus or walk to school with a group of other children. You can also carpool with neighbors. Traffic around Enatai is very congested during pick-up and drop-off times. Fewer vehicles make the transition easier for everyone!

Below is the traffic map for Enatai Elementary. Following the map are specific guidelines for parent drop off and pick up.


Student Drop Off and Pick Up

If you need to drive to school to drop your child(ren) off, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use the designated drop-off/pick-up lane when dropping off/picking up children curbside.  Children should exit the car curbside as cars continue to move in the left hand lane.
  • When using the drop off / pick-up lane:
    • Pull as far forward as possible in the right drop-off/pick-up lane.  Drop off/pick up your child(ren) on the curbside and pull back into the left lane to exit.
    • Remain in your car at all time, and refrain from using your cellular telephone at this time.
    • If your child needs help in unbuckling a carseat, please park your car in a parking space as adults should not be exiting vehicles in the pick-up/drop-off line.
    • Please keep the line moving!  If you need to talk with another parent or a teacher, park your vehicle in a parking space.
  • If you choose to park your car, park only in designated parking spaces. DO NOT PARK IN OR BLOCK THE DROP OFF/PICK UP LANE.
  • Have patience!  Plan for a few extra minutes in your morning or afternoon routine if you drop your child(ren) off or pick them up.

If you have someone new picking your child up, please take a moment to share with them how the drop off/pick up lane works.


Student Arrival/Dismissal Procedures

The front doors of Enatai unlock at 7:40 for breakfast service.  Students and staff may enter Enatai without signing in.  Families are encouraged to walk students to exterior doors; however, families do need to sign in at the main office before entering the building, this includes walking students to classrooms.

Arriving at Enatai:

Students arrive at Enatai Elementary School via school bus, car drop-off/pick-up, walking, and biking.  Students are asked to use the doors closest to their classroom and/or their arrival point.  Gates around the field will be unlocked for arrival and locked once the school day begins.  The field will be unlocked shortly before dismissal if families wish to use the field/playground/covered play area as their meet up point.

  • When students arrive on campus, they are asked to either go to the cafeteria if they are getting breakfast or head to their grade level cluster to wait for teachers to open their classroom door.
  • Students can enter Enatai either at the front doors or at the side doors which are located on the north side of the building near the “yellow cluster” and labeled as “North Field Entrance” on the map above.  Please note that unlike past years, the back doors at the “blue cluster” will no longer be open.
  • Each cluster will be supervised by staff and expected to follow the expectations of the cluster.
  • Kindergarten students will wait outside the exterior door of their classroom until rainy weather returns (often mid-October). At that time, kindergarten students will begin meeting in the hallway outside of the cafeteria by their teacher’s name which will be posted on the windows.
  • Preschool teachers will provide specific information to their families about arrival and dismissal procedures. Preschool students and families enter their classrooms through the exterior doors located on the preschool playground on the south side of the school near the parking lot.  Please note that the gate to the preschool classrooms/playground has a latch located near the top of the gate.  Families are asked to make sure the gate closes securely behind them as they enter and exit the gate.


Enatai Departure Procedure

Enatai uses a staggered dismissal process at the end of the day.  This means that teachers will be leaving their classroom prior to 2:30 to ensure students arrive to the front of the school by 2:30 PM.  Teachers will communicate with their families about their class’ specific dismissal procedure.

All teachers will walk students to the front of of the school and provide supervision until GSAs and the car-pick up team are present.


Departing Enatai:  Students and Families Who Walk/Bike

Students and families who either walk or ride bicycles should exit campus immediately after school dismisses.

  • Please walk bicycles through areas where students are being dismissed and students are meeting their parent/guardian.


Departing Enatai:  Students Riding the Bus

Enatai staff will be at buses to support students as they arrive at the buses.  K-5 general education buses depart at 2:35.  Buses for special education and/or preschool also depart at 2:35 or earlier if all students who ride the bus are present.


Departing Enatai:  Students Who are Picked Up by Car

Students who depart Enatai by car pick-up will be asked to wait near the car pick-up area.  Staff who supervise car rider pick-up will announce names of students being picked up to support connecting students with their adults.


Bicycle Safety and Security

Students are encouraged to ride bicycles to school when families determine they are ready!  We have three bicycle racks located at the front of the school.  Please make sure your child has a helmet.  Students should take helmets with them to their classroom as the bike racks are not monitored throughout the school day.  If your child is using a bike lock, please practice using the lock at home.   Students need to walk their bicycle on and off of campus to ensure safety for pedestrians.

The Bellevue School District acknowledges that we learn, work, live and gather on the Indigenous Land of the Coast Salish peoples, specifically the Duwamish and Snoqualmie Tribes. We thank these caretakers of this land, who have lived and continue to live here, since time immemorial.