Usually during this time of the year our students would be participating in the challenge by logging their non-drive-alone trips to school in their trip-log calendars.

Due to the COVID-19 situation, this Spring 2020 SchoolPool Challenge, now called Spring 2020 SchoolPool Promotion, will be centered on school-parent communication.

This is the first in a series of communications (news flash releases) to provide you information and resources on how to reduce congestion around our school’s pick-up and drop-off areas and promote health and wellbeing by using alternative transportations modes to school – once our school reopens.

Erin, Kris and Ricardo

Don´t miss this first news flash! Click this link to read it in English:  BIKE WITH US!


Usualmente en esta época del año nuestros estudiantes estarían participando en el desafío de registrar en sus calendarios viajes compartidos a la escuela.

Debido a la situación del COVID-19, el Desafío SchoolPool Primavera 2020, ahora llamado Promoción SchoolPool de Primavera 2020, estará enfocado en la comunicación escuela-padres.

Esta es la primera de una serie de comunicaciones (lanzamientos de flashes de noticias) para proveerle información y recursos de cómo reducir la congestión de tránsito en el área de entrega y recogida de alumnos  y promover el bienestar y la salud usando medios de trasporte alternativos a la escuela-una vez que nuestras escuelas abran nuevamente.

Erin, Kris and Ricardo

¡No te pierdas este primer boletín! Cliquea en este enlace para leerlo en español: BIKE WITH US!

The Bellevue School District acknowledges that we learn, work, live and gather on the Indigenous Land of the Coast Salish peoples, specifically the Duwamish and Snoqualmie Tribes. We thank these caretakers of this land, who have lived and continue to live here, since time immemorial.