• My child is unavailable at the designated dates/times. Will there be more dates after August 25?
    • Yes, we will communicate out the make-up dates after the initial distribution concludes August 25.
  • My child has unique needs where they cannot participate in the outlined process. Will you make individual accommodations?
    • Yes, we will communicate how to reach out if your child cannot participate in the process of coming to Tyee to complete the log-in process. This will come out in the August 25 communication where we list the make-up dates.
  • What is the process?
    • Vehicles enter school from the back (north) parking lot, by the gymnasiums.
    • Vehicles are be handed a paper form for students to indicate they are symptom-free and not presently at risk.
    • After parking the vehicle, students bring the completed form to the entrance while drivers/parents wait in the vehicle.
    • Students line up (6 feet apart) outside to pick up the laptop, then enter the school.
    • A contact-less thermometer screens students before entering.
    • Students find a table inside and follow log-in instructions provided.
    • Staff are present to answer student questions and sanitize surfaces.
    • Once a student launches laptop programs, they will exit a separate door and return to their vehicle.
  • May parents accompany students inside the building?
    • No. For safety purposes, we’ve limited the number of persons entering the building to students only. Staff are inside to provide assistance. Parents/Guardians must wait in vehicles.
  • Can a parent, sibling, or other student pick up my students laptop on their behalf?
    • No. The Tyee student themselves must come in to pick up the device, log in, and verify all applications are functioning. This must be done at the school.
  • Will there be assistance inside to help my student?

Yes, technology and teaching staff will be present to guide students through the process and provide technical assistance as needed.

The Bellevue School District acknowledges that we learn, work, live and gather on the Indigenous Land of the Coast Salish peoples, specifically the Duwamish and Snoqualmie Tribes. We thank these caretakers of this land, who have lived and continue to live here, since time immemorial.