In this issue…

  • Winter Festival Information
  • Winter Art
  • Interview with Barnes!
  • Winter Holidays
  • Jokes
  • Word Search


The 2023 Winter Festival is Coming!

We will hold our annual Winter Festival on Tuesday, December 19th after 7th period from 2:10 to 3:15. We will also be on a modified schedule. The Winter Festival is an annual event where everyone will get to relax before break and participate in many fun activities while winning prizes!



Since the Winter Festival is also an ASB fundraiser, we will sell tickets for a dollar each. These tickets can be used to play our paid activities. By purchasing tickets, you will support our afterschool activities, festivals, clubs, and field trips. Please remember that tickets can only be used at Winter Festival and are non-refundable.


As always, we will have snacks for everyone to enjoy! This year, we will be offering Otter Pops, as well as variety of other snacks provided by our PTSA.


This year, we will be offering a wide variety of activities. Some of the activities are free, while others need to be paid for by varying amounts of tickets.

(Free) Photobooths: Take a quick photo with your friends! 

(Free) Pin the Nose on the Snowman: While blindfolded, of course.

(Free) Cupcake Walk sponsored by PTSA: Enjoy the classic game of Musical Chairs in the commons. Whoever wins gets a cupcake!

(Free) Movies: Quietly enjoy Home Alone or Elf in our two movie rooms.

(Free) Board Games: Play against other students with our wide assortment of board games, which include Uno, Apples vs. Apples, Boggle, along with much more!

(Free) Chess: Play with other Tyee chess enthusiasts!

(Free) Crafts: Make tealight characters, snowflakes, and other crafts to take home and enjoy.

(Free) Cookie Decorating: Decorate your own cookie (and eat it!)


(Paid) Punchboard: Choose, and punch through cup that contains a mystery prize! You get what you get.

(Paid) Pick-A-Duck: Choose a duck from a pond and claim the mystery prize attached. As always, what you get is what you get.

(Paid) Karaoke: Sing to your heart’s desire!

(Paid) Trashcan Ball: Try to shoot a rubber ball into the trash can!

(Paid) Badminton: Enjoy a couple matches of Badminton in the gym against other enthusiasts in the gym!

(Paid) Make-Your-Own Mini-Snow Globe: The perfect holiday gift for someone, or even yourself 😊

(Paid) LQBTQIA+ Bead Bracelet Making: Support the LQBTQIA+ club and make a cool bracelet!

(Paid) Art Club Cup Game: Support the Tyee Art Club with a really fun game!

…And more club booths to come!



Yes, we will be offering prizes. The prizes that we are offering include snowman stress balls, computer sticker packs, and fidget toys.



Landscape with Snow – Vincent Van Gogh

Comic – Brian Gordan


Gion Shrine in Snow – Utagawa Hiroshige



Teacher Intervie

Title: Chaotic Chickens

Interviewer: Carol Li

Interviewee: Mr. Barnes

Carol: Hi there. Today I’ll be using the interviewing format that my predecessor Kathy Jin has used. On my sides are my little sidechicks Aiden Carl and Miao Cai.

Mr. Barnes: *awkward stare*

*Drops pencil while moving the desk

Proceeds to cover mouth with hands and put legs on desk*

Carol: Starting off with our first question, if you had to consume one of these three things, which one would you eat/drink? The first option is a car, the second option is gasoline, and the third option is three wigs.

Mr. Barnes: What’s the first option?

Carol: A car

Mr. Barnes: A full car?

Aiden: A full car

Mr. Barnes: I don’t want to cough up a furball so a car. I’d rather eat a car than a wig.

*Got off topic and Aiden proceeds to tell a story about his uncle*

Carol: Do you think that the Easter Bunny steals eggs from birds?

Mr. Barnes: … where do Easter Bunnies get their eggs? That’s a great question.

Aiden: Bunnies don’t have eggs?!

Mr. Barnes: I think they protect the eggs.

Aiden: So, they pass the eggs out to eat?

Mr. Barnes: With the birds’ permission.

Carol: Now off with the hair questions. Who do you think has better hair, you or Mr. Adams? Why?

*Seventh grader giggles intensify*

Aiden: That was a joke!

Mr. Barnes: Isn’t it who has the best hair and why Mr. Barnes have the best hair? Doesn’t Mr. Adams have no hair? I can see the shine on his head. I can see my reflection in his head.

Carol: Wait- so you’re taller than Mr. Adams?

Aiden: Does he use bodywash or shampoo for his head?…

Mr. Barnes: Ooh that’s a good question. I’m curious of that too.

*Miao tells a story and more conversation on baldness continues*

Carol: What ointments do you apply to your hair?

Aiden + Miao: He doesn’t wash his hair!

Mr. Barnes: I don’t wanna wash my hair. I do like to put a little coconut oil in my hair- it gives a little shine.

Carol: According to a rumor, apparently you participated in The Bachelor? (Question is courtesy to Ms. Williams)

Mr. Barnes: Where did you get that?

*Face turns bright red*

Mr. Barnes: No comment. That didn’t happen.

Carol: Would you have liked that to happen?

Mr. Barnes: Next question!

Aiden: Would you ever go bald?

Mr. Barnes: Genetically no, and I don’t want to.

Aiden: Would you go bald for $10,000?

Mr. Barnes: Mmmmmm.

Aiden: Would you be immortal or have no hair for the rest of your life?

Mr. Barnes: I guess I would live forever.

Carol: Eating 500 wigs in one year or having no hair?

Mr. Barnes: These are some weird questions.

Carol: Thanks. How many chickens would take to kill an elephant?

Mr. Barnes: ………… One really mean one- one mutant chicken.

*Carol speed draws a mean one*

Mr. Barnes: Yes, definitely that one.

Carol: What are some questions you would like to ask the next teacher (?) being interviewed?

Mr. Barnes: Who are the teachers?

Miao: Any recommendations?

Mr. Barnes: …. How about… hm…. W-who- w-ho is on the list?

Miao: We really should do student interviews.

Mr. Barnes: We should do student interviews and then ask the question who has the best hair and why is it Mr. Barnes?


The four people proceed to yap, Aiden does Monkeytype to prove his typing skills, and Mr. Barnes starts making hand hearts, leading the others to make various hand hearts too.


Carol: Do you wear the same cap every day?

Mr. Barnes: No cap.

Aiden: I remember when I slept in your class…

Aiden: Who is the craziest/most interesting relative you have?

Mr. Barnes: My grandpa because he flew in WW2.

Carol: Who is your favorite student?

Mr. Barnes: I have a long list.

Carol: Who is your least favorite student?

Mr. Barnes: I do not have anyone. Everyone makes me very happy and others just a little less happy.

Carol: Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Mr. Barnes: ……

Carol: I like eating chicken

Mr. Barnes: The chicken definitely came first.

Aiden: What’s a weird fact you happen to know?

Mr. Barnes: ……Off the top of my head?

Aiden: Yeah, I can remember every Valorant map, agent, and ability 😊

Mr. Barnes: Don’t have one.

Miao: Do you ever want to eat sand?

Mr. Barnes: sand?

Miao: Sand.


Some Background About Winter Holidays:


Christmas is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, observed primarily on December 25th as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world. A feast central to the Christian liturgical year, it follows the season of Advent (which begins four Sundays before) or the Nativity Fast, and initiates the season of Christmastide, which historically in the West lasts twelve days and culminates on Twelfth Night. Christmas Day is a public holiday in many countries, is celebrated religiously by a majority of Christians, as well as culturally by many non-Christians, and forms an integral part of the holiday season organized around it.


Hanukkah is a Jewish festival commemorating the recovery of Jerusalem and subsequent rededication of the Second Temple at the beginning of the Maccabean Revolt against the Seleucid Empire in the 2nd century BCE. Hanukkah is observed for eight nights and days, starting on the 25th day of Kislev according to the Hebrew calendar, which may occur at any time from late November to late December in the Gregorian calendar. The festival is observed by lighting the candles of a candelabrum with nine branches, commonly called a menorah or hanukkiah. One branch is typically placed above or below the others and its candle is used to light the other eight candles. This unique candle is called the shammash (שַׁמָּשׁ‎, “attendant”). Each night, one additional candle is lit by the shammash until all eight candles are lit together on the final night of the festival. Other Hanukkah festivities include singing Hanukkah songs, playing the game of dreidel and eating oil-based foods, such as latkes and sufganiyot, and dairy foods. Since the 1970s, the worldwide Chabad Hasidic movement has initiated public menorah lightings in open public places in many countries.

New Year’s Eve:

In the Gregorian calendar, New Year’s Eve, also known as Old Year’s Day or Saint Sylvester’s Day in many countries, is the evening or the entire day of the last day of the year, 31 December. The last day of the year is commonly referred to as “New Year’s Eve”. In many countries, New Year’s Eve is celebrated with dancing, eating, drinking, and watching or lighting fireworks. Some Christians attend a watchnight service. The celebrations generally go on past midnight into New Year’s Day, 1 January.


Kwanzaa is an annual celebration of African American culture from December 26 to January 1, culminating in a communal feast called Karamu, usually on the sixth day. It was created by activist Maulana Karenga, based on African harvest festival traditions from various parts of West and Southeast Africa. Kwanzaa was first celebrated in 1966. Estimates of how many Americans celebrate Kwanzaa have varied in recent years, from as few as a half a million to as many as 12 million. In a 2019 USA Today poll, 2.9 percent of people who planned to celebrate a winter holiday said they would celebrate Kwanzaa.


  • Why did the scarecrow get a big Christmas bonus? Because he was outstanding in his field.
  • What do you call Santa when he stops moving? Santa Pause.
  • Why do reindeer like Beyoncé so much? She sleighs.
  • Why did Princess Elsa fall off her sled? She let it go.
  • What do you call an elderly snowman?
  • What did the investigator say to the snowman? Icy right through your lies.
  • What do you call a penguin in the Sahara Desert?


Word Search Game

Best regards,

Your Tyee ASB

The Bellevue School District acknowledges that we learn, work, live and gather on the Indigenous Land of the Coast Salish peoples, specifically the Duwamish and Snoqualmie Tribes. We thank these caretakers of this land, who have lived and continue to live here, since time immemorial.