Tyee: Upcoming Dates
  • January 16: Interlake HS Open House
  • January 18: Tyee MS Open House (see below)
  • January 19: PTSA Pajama & Movie Night (see below)
  • January 26:  Winter Sports Registration Closes & Last Day of Semester
  • February 2: PTSA Lunar New Year Festival
  • February 5: Winter Sports Season Begins
Tyee: Lockers & Backpacks Feedback Survey At the start of the 2023-24 school year, all students were issued a locker with the expectation to store backpacks and other items not needed for classes, only bringing to each class what they need for learning.   In December we hosted listening sessions with students and staff members to better understand their experiences. Because not everyone was able to attend, we’re using the survey below to gather additional input from our students, staff, and families. We encourage families to please include their feedback here!  Microsoft Forms. Survey closes Friday, January 19.


Winter Sports Season – Volleyball & Flag Football Volleyball and Coed Flag Football registration will be open Tuesday, January 16th – January 26th. Students will be emailed a link to register the morning registration opens and the link will also be available through the student teams channel.


Tyee Volleyball (Feb 5- March 28)

  • Days: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays. Practices are 4:00-4:45. Games are Tuesdays or Thursdays from 4-5pm (home games) and 4-5:30 (away games).
  • Commitment: Students will need to commit to all 3 days a week and regularly attend, Students participating in PTSA clubs will not be able to join due to the game/travel schedule, ASB membership required, scholarships available for families who qualify


Jubilee coed Flag Football (Feb 5- March 28)

  • Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday practices during activity time. Wednesday games from 2:30pm-5:00pm (home & away)
  • Students must make reasonable effort to attend all practices in order to participate in games


Due to a high volume of interest, registrants will be selected for teams via a lottery process. Students not selected will be drawn, and placed on a waitlist.

Tyee: Open House 1/18 For 5th Grade & Prospective Tyee Families: Join us Thursday, January 18th for our 2024-25 Tyee MS Open House event. This event is designed for future Tyee students and families (current 5th grade, and those considering transfers). Throughout the evening, guests will learn about our amazing school and the fantastic programs and services.


The event will be hosted from 6:00-8:00 at Tyee Middle School (13630 SE Allen Road, Bellevue, WA 98006). There will be a Welcome Session from 6:00-6:30 in the Gymnasium, followed by Breakout Sessions from 6:30-8:00.  A full agenda will be posted to the Tyee website (www.bsd405.org/tyee) the week prior.

Tyee PTSA: Pajama & Movie Night 1/19  Register your student for PTSA’s Pajamas & Movie Night on January 19th in the Tyee Commons. Doors open at 6:45pm, event is from 7:00-9:00pm. Open to current Tyee students only. We will provide popcorn, drinks and other treats, all free. The students voted on the movie and the winner is – Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse. Please have the kids wear pajamas, onesies, or robes and bring pillows, stuffies, sleeping bags, or blankets to get down and get comfy.  There will be a contest with prizes for best pajamas! Register at this link to drop your student off for a fun night with friends: https://tyeeptsa.org/Packet/PajamasMovieNight

The PTSA also needs adult and high school volunteers to make this event a success! Please sign up to volunteer: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0D44AEA92AA1F49-47050781-pajamas

Tyee PTSA: Lunar New Year Festival 2/2 – student  performers wanted! Tyee Lunar New Year celebration will be Friday, Feb. 2nd at 7:00pm.  We are looking for students to perform at the event, either by song, dance, or playing musical instruments.  The performances can be solo or in a group of up to 6 students.  Tyee students performing with their families is also allowed.  Please indicate the names and ages of all performers, a description of the performance (i.e. jazz band, hip hop dance), and the name and length of the song/piece.  Submit your sign up request by Friday, Jan. 12th and the performers will be selected by Thursday, Jan. 18th. We have posted a link for students in the Tyee Student Channel on Microsoft Teams beginning 1/9.
BSD: Sign up for Edulog Parent Portal to Receive Transportation Updates Beginning in January 2024, all BSD bus cancellations, delays and updates will be shared directly through the Edulog Parent Portal, the district’s transportation information platform. Families who would like to receive notification about impacts to their bus routes must sign up for Edulog. Specific route cancellations, delays and updates will not be shared routinely through direct district emails, text messages, robo calls or social media in the new year. However, districtwide messages will continue to be sent at the discretion of the district, on an as-needed basis.


The Edulog Parent Portal provides an efficient student transportation resource management tool allowing families to receive more timely messages that impact student safety, ridership and routing. For students or families unable to acquire access to the smartphone app, the district will contact families through text message using the Talking Points platform in their preferred home language to ensure all families have equal access to information. Additionally, a route cancellation link will be added to the BSD transportation webpage listing service impacts.


To Sign Up: Edulog – Parent Bus Tracking Program – Bellevue School District (bsd405.org)

BSD: Apply Today to Join the BSD Sustainability Committee Join the Bellevue School District Sustainability Committee and be part of a transformative initiative to create a more ecologically sustainable school district and community. Our district is committed to minimizing our environmental impact and increasing our understanding and agency in achieving sustainability. The four pillars of sustainability outlined in Board Policy 6811 guide our mission, encompassing areas such as district resources, environmental safety, collective understanding and student voice. As a committee member, you will have the opportunity to influence the development and implementation of a three-year action plan and shape a schedule to reduce our negative environmental impact. Moreover, you’ll help drive community engagement and sustainability initiatives that prioritize student voice and embrace diverse perspectives. Together, let’s lead the way toward a greener, more environmentally conscious future! Apply today and be part of the change.

  • Please complete the application form by Wednesday, January 10, 2024, at 4:00 p.m.
  • Selected members will be notified by Monday, January 15, 2024.
  • The first meeting of the committee will take place on January 24, 2024.

More Information: 2023-2024 Sustainability Committee – Bellevue School District (bsd405.org)

Tyee: Arrival & Dismissal Reminders As the days become darker, and a new activity season begins, we wanted to share a few reminders for our families driving to school!


Arrival: Tyee is open at 8:00am every morning. We strongly encourage families driving to drop students off before 8:15am. Our families dropping students off between 7:55 and 8:05 face very little traffic! Earlier arrivals lessen traffic jams, and better ensure our buses to get in. Our building is open for students to eat breakfast, catch up on homework, and visit the library!


Dismissal: Students participating in after school clubs & activities must be picked up by 4:50pm. The Activity Bus will continue running through the year. It is very dark, so it is important families ensure students are picked up right after activities.

Tyee: Inclement Weather and Potential Closure Reminders Winter is approaching and may bring unpredictable weather. If there are severe conditions, BSD will communicate any schedule changes or closures through direct messages, including email, text message, phone call, social media, FlashAlert, local media and posts to www.bsd405.org. While these decisions are made for the district at large, conditions may vary in certain neighborhoods. We encourage families to make personal decisions based on their specific circumstances.

Tyee: Nurse News



Feeling Sick? We strongly recommend you and your student to stay home if you are having cold-like symptoms. Please visit: https://bsd405.org/services/health/too-sick-for-school/. Giving a fever reducing medication just before returning to school does not make a student well. It may only mask the fever until the medication wears off. In this situation, a student needs to be home so others are not exposed to illness. Fever reducing medications include: Acetaminophen (Tylenol); Ibuprofen; Aspirin; Naproxen; Dayquil; Nyquil


Going Home Early? Students are to notify the office/clinic when checking out. If your student calls home directly to request you pick them up, please remind them to go to the clinic or office.


What to do if you have COVID-19 symptoms: https://doh.wa.gov/sites/default/files/2023-02/420456-COVID19DecisionTrees.pdf

If you have one or more of these new, changed, or worsening symptoms: ❑ Fever (≥100.4°F) or chills ❑ Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing ❑ Muscle or body aches ❑ Loss of taste or smell ❑ Congestion or runny nose   ❑ Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea ❑ Headache ❑ Fatigue ❑ Sore throat ❑ Cough…Stay home and test for COVID-19 or see a healthcare provider


Medication at School? Please complete the Medication Authorization Forms with your provider and send it to [email protected]. Med Auth Form: https://bsd405.org/wp-content/pdf/policy/3416P%20Exh.%20A.pdf. All meds and health plans (Life Threatening Allergies, Asthma that require inhalers at school, Diabetics, Seizures..etc) are due on the first day of school along with their unexpired meds. Questions? Please contact your Tyee school nurse- Tammy Suen Phone: 425-456-6811 or Fax: 425-456-6801.

Tyee PTSA: Stay in the Know!


Tyee PTSA would like to build a strong and supportive community for our students, families, and staff. Stay up-to-date on latest news and events happening at PTSA, Tyee middle school and the BSD. Tyee times is a weekly newsletter sent out by Tyee PTSA. Tyee PTSA Facebook page is also another way to keep all the information up to date. Please subscribe and follow us.

The Bellevue School District acknowledges that we learn, work, live and gather on the Indigenous Land of the Coast Salish peoples, specifically the Duwamish and Snoqualmie Tribes. We thank these caretakers of this land, who have lived and continue to live here, since time immemorial.