Newsletter in English Newsletter in Chinese 中文版本
Dear Parents and Guardians,

As we finished celebrating lunar new year,  we want to thank you for your continued partnership and your trust on us! We want to thank you for your notes of encouragement, generosity towards our staff and our school, and trust in our instructional approach for dual language. Don’t forget to marker your calendar to come in to watch our class performance on March 11 or March 12. Our students and staff have been working hard to prepare for the show-case!

Thank you parents and guardians for supporting the building decorations, a whole month of recess program, lion dance and dragon dance at recess, Sunday event, staff luncheon, and much more that you are doing everyday!


Mr. Shelton and Ms. Tan







Mr. Shelton and Ms. Tan

Important Dates coming up:


      • 3/11/2024: Lunar New Year School Performance for 3rd grade to 5th Grade families 1:45-3:00pm
      • 3/12/2024: Lunar New Year School Performance for Prek to 2nd Grade families 1:45-3:00pm
      • 3/15/2024: March Principal Tea (Anxiety Support) 2:20-3:20pm
      • 3/22/2024: Regular school day (Snow Make-Up Day)
      • 4/22/2024 April Principal Tea: When Perfectionism Goes Too Far 2:20-3:20
      • 6/11/2024 5th Grade Graduation Ceremony 2-3:15pm

The 2023-2024 School Year Calendar is posted here.

The 2024-2025 School Year Calendar is posted here.



      • 3/11/2024: 农历新年表演,观众是三到五年级家长 1:45-3:00pm
      • 3/12/2024: 农历新年表演,观众是学前班到二年级家长 1:45-3:00pm
      • 3/15/2024: 三月份校长茶会(如何处理焦虑) 2:20-3:20pm
      • 3/22/2024 下雪天补课,学生正常上学
      • 4/22/2024 四月校长茶会:当完美主义太极端的时候 2:20-3:20
      • 6/11/2024 2-3:15pm 景美五年级毕业典礼

The 2023-2024 School Year Calendar is posted here.

The 2024-2025 School Year Calendar is posted here.


Important update about Lunar New Year Performance:

Lunar New Year Performance will be on March 11 and March 12 from 1:45-3:00pm. Both performances will be identical but we will invite parents/families in two groups to accommodate the large group of audience. You will see the same performance on both days.

Day 1 and Day 2 show is the same and 3rd to 5th grade grade families are invited for day 1(March 11) while Prek to 2nd grade families are invited to day 2 (March 12). If you have more than one children in different grade level band, please choose one to attend.


农历新年演出将于3月11日和3月12日下午1:45至3:00举行。两场表演将是相同的,但考虑到观众人数限制我们将分两批邀请不同的家庭。两天的表演是相同的,第 1 天(3 月 11 日)邀请 的是3 至 5 年级家庭参加,第 2 天(3 月 12 日)邀请的是 学前班Prek 至 2 年级家庭参加。如果您有两个或者更多的孩子在景美就读,请您选择一天参加。

Arrival and Drop Off Parking Lot Reminder:

We understand that it’s hard to navigate our parking lot situation at arrival and dismissal. We appreciate everyone

The lane along the right side of the circular drive is for parents who are picking up their students by car.  Please do not park and leave your car unattended in this lane. You may park and wait in your in this lane but when dismissal starts, be ready to move your car along in the line.

Unattended cars will create traffic jams as well as safety issues, so if you are in the righthand lane, please stay in your car to be able to move forward once dismissal begins.

See the following video on how to park at district office next door:




March 22 Emergency Make-Up Day

March 22 will be an Emergency Make-Up Day due to the January 17 school closure. The previously scheduled District Professional Development Day on this date has been canceled. The 2023-2024 Family Calendar and Staff & District Calendar have been updated to reflect this change.

3 22 日紧急补课日

由于 1 月 17 日学校停课,3 月 22 日将是紧急补课日。原定于该日期举行的教职员工培训日已被取消。 2023-2024 年家庭日历以及员工和学区日历已更新

February and March Drills:

In February we conducted a lockdown drill and practiced what we would do if there was an intruder in the building. Students learned about the importance of listening to school staff and following instructions quickly and quietly. We also practiced assessing our environment and making decisions to keep us safe.

Please remember that a lockdown is considered a preventative measure and is not the same as an Active Threat.

Please talk to your child about our drill today. Be sure to listen and let them lead the conversation. An important next step in your family preparedness might be to talk about how what your child learned in the drill can help them stay safe in other situations.

For more information on talking to your child about school safety, you might want to visit the website

In March, we will be conducting an earthquake drill and practicing what we would do if we were at school in the event of an earthquake.

In the United States, the recommended actions to take in the event of an earthquake are Drop, Cover, and Hold On.

Please talk with your student about preparing for emergencies and disasters such as earthquakes. Encourage them to talk about their concerns and express their feelings. Emphasize that even though sometimes things happen that we may not expect, there are lots of things we can do to help us stay safe.

For more information on earthquakes and general preparedness, you might want to visit the Washington Emergency Management Division ( or Great Washington ShakeOut ( websites. You may also find the site helpful.










有关地震和一般准备的更多信息,您可能需要访问华盛顿应急管理部 ( 或华盛顿大震荡 ( 网站。您可能还会发现 网站很有帮助。

City of Bellevue Youth Link Upcoming Dates

The City of Bellevue Youth Link has several upcoming events and opportunities for community involvement.

March 8, 2024 – 6:00-8:00 p.m. Save the date for the annual Unity Through Diversity Event, sponsored by Bellevue Youth Link and Diversity Advantage. This free event will be held at Bellevue Youth Theater. This year’s event will celebrate Bellevue’s diverse community and highlight cultural performances from community members and showcase the talents of Bellevue youth.

May 3, 2024 – Deadline to submit Community Leadership Awards Nomination Form. Join Youth Link as they celebrate their 34th Annual Community Leadership Awards event in May! This annual, citywide event celebrates Bellevue youth who contribute through leadership, community service, advocacy, diversity and social justice support.

Educators, community members, parents and other adults may nominate a student in Bellevue. Students are welcome to nominate their peers. Nominations will be open until Friday, May 3, 2024.

Youth Link will host the awards ceremony on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Bellevue City Hall.

May 15, 2024 – Apply to join the Youth Link board! The Youth Link Board consists of 12 youths and six adults from the Bellevue community who advise the City Manager about issues that impact youth. They advocate making system-level changes during a two-year term. The board meets twice a month, on the second and fourth Wednesdays. Applications for both youth and adult positions must be submitted by May 15.



2024 年 3 月 8 日 – 下午 6:00-8:00预留年度“通过多样性团结”活动的日期,该活动由贝尔维尤青年链接和多样性优势赞助。这项免费活动将在贝尔维尤青年剧院举行。今年的活动将庆祝贝尔维尤的多元化社区,重点展示社区成员的文化表演并展示贝尔维尤年轻人的才华。

2024 年 5 月 3 日——提交社区领导奖提名表的截止日期。加入 Youth Link,庆祝 5 月举行的第 34 届年度社区领导奖活动!这项一年一度的全市活动旨在表彰通过领导力、社区服务、宣传、多样性和社会正义支持做出贡献的贝尔维尤青年。

教育工作者、社区成员、家长和其他成年人可以提名贝尔维尤的学生。欢迎学生提名他们的同龄人。提名截止日期为 2024 年 5 月 3 日星期五。

Youth Link 将于 2024 年 5 月 22 日星期三下午 6:00-8:00 举办颁奖典礼。在贝尔维尤市政厅。

2024 年 5 月 15 日 – 申请加入 Youth Link 委员会!青年联系委员会由来自贝尔维尤社区的 12 名青年和 6 名成年人组成,他们就影响青年的问题向城市管理者提供建议。他们主张在两年任期内进行系统层面的变革。董事会每月召开两次会议,分别在第二个和第四个星期三。青少年和成人职位的申请必须在 5 月 15 日之前提交。

Register for Spring for Schools, Hosted by the Bellevue Schools Foundation

I’m excited to share that Spring for Schools 2024 registration is live! You are invited to attend Bellevue Schools Foundation‘s annual event on Saturday, March 30 at 5:00 p.m., and I truly hope to see you there! As a reminder, Bellevue Schools Foundation provides critical funding to our school– you can take a look at the programs supported in our classrooms here. For Jing Mei ES, we received multiple grants this year and one of the classroom grant is for the Calm Down Corner set-up. The evening will offer attendees a chance to connect with one another and teachers, and explore the initiatives funded by BSF in their signature Education Showcase.

Event registration is free, and childcare will be provided as capacity allows. Additional event details can be found here. The purpose of the evening is to raise funding so that BSF can continue to provide transformational opportunities for our students and teachers — please consider making a donation here.


我很高兴地告诉大家,2024 年春季学校注册现已上线!您受邀参加 3 月 30 日星期六下午 5:00 举行的贝尔维尤学校基金会年度活动,我真诚地希望在那里见到您!谨此提醒,贝尔维尤学校基金会为我们学校提供重要资金——您可以在此处查看我们教室支持的项目。对于景美小学,我们今年获得了多项资助,其中一项课堂资助用于“冷​​静角”的设置。当晚将为与会者提供一个相互交流和与老师交流的机会,并在其标志性教育展示中探索 BSF 资助的举措。


活动注册是免费的,并且将在容量允许的情况下提供托儿服务。其他活动详情可在此处找到。晚会的目的是筹集资金,以便 BSF 能够继续为我们的学生和教师提供转型机会——请考虑在这里捐款

(5th Grade) Middle School Interest Inquiry Survey

Please take 2-3 min to finish this middle school interest inquiry survey for us. With the information that you provide, this will help us to prepare our 5th grade students to transfer and transition to middle school.

Survey Link:





(5th Grade) Middle School Interest Inquiry Survey regarding to Advanced Learning

Jing Mei, the Jing Mei PTSA, and BSD representatives are seeking feedback from 5th grade families about their plans for middle school. We hope you will complete this survey to help us better understand your choices and better plan for the future. Our meeting is set for March 7, please complete this survey by March 6th so I can ensure i have your inputs for our planning meeting. Thank you!


Survey Link:


景美、景美家长会 和 BSD 代表想了解五年级家庭对他们学生的中学计划。 我们希望您协助我们完成这项调查,以帮助我们更好地了解您的选择并更好地规划学生的未来。我们的下一次会议是三月七日,请您在三月六日之前填好这个问卷以便我们在会议上可以做出更好的计划。



Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Support:

If you need Social Emotional Support for your child, RULER has a whole website created to share resources with families?

Check out:

Included are some great conversation starters designed to get families talking about social and emotional skills at home.  The conversation starters are available in English & Spanish.

Grades K-1 (English)   Grades 2-3 (English)  Grades 4-5 (English)   Grades K-1 (Spanish)  Grades 2-3 (Spanish)    Grades 4-5 (Spanish)


There are also tip sheets for building stronger family relationships in English, Spanish & Mandarin!

Families Tipsheet (English)        Families Tipsheet (Spanish)         Families Tipsheet (Mandarin)

社会情感学习 (SEL) 支持:

如果您需要为您的孩子提供社会情感支持,RULER 创建了一个完整的网站来与家人共享资源?


其中包括一些很棒的 对话建议 ,旨在让家庭在家中谈论社交和情感技能。 对话建议有英语和西班牙语版本。

K-1年级(英语) 2-3年级(英语) 4-5年级(英语) K-1年级(西班牙语) 2-3年级(西班牙语) 4-5年级(西班牙语)



家庭小贴士表(英文) 家庭小贴士表(西班牙语) 家庭小贴士表(普通话)

Counselor’s Corner

Please click here to read Ms. Hanson’s February newsletter:


请点击此处阅读 Ms. Hanson 的二月通讯:




The Bellevue School District acknowledges that we learn, work, live and gather on the Indigenous Land of the Coast Salish peoples, specifically the Duwamish and Snoqualmie Tribes. We thank these caretakers of this land, who have lived and continue to live here, since time immemorial.