Friday AM Announcement

(Speaker #1)

Good Morning Vikings!

Today is Friday, May 24


Stand for the pledge of allegiance Vikings (wait 3 seconds)


I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. (wait 3 seconds)


Vikings, today is the last day to submit designs for next year’s planner cover and teacher door signs. Please drop off your artwork to the main office by 4:00 PM. Make sure to have your name clearly printed on your submission.


Office Assistant applications are DUE TODAY !


Good morning 6th graders: If you are going to Camp Orkila and will be observing Ramadan at Camp Orkila, please let Mrs. Adams know. You may email her or stop by Room 111. Again, if you are going to Camp Orkila and will be observing Ramadan at Camp Orkila, please let Mrs. Adams know. Thank you!


Attention 8th grade students! Packets for the 8th grade cruise are due Monday, June 3rd. If you misplaced your packet and need a new one, please see the office outside of class time. Please review the behavior expectations needed to attend the cruise.

(Speaker #2)

ASB is hosting another dance on Friday, May 24 from 6-8pm in the gym. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased before school, during lunch, or at the dance. The March social was super fun and we are so excited to have another dance before the school year ends! Having fun school events like a dance is a privilege that is open to all students. To be able to attend the dance, you must follow behavior expectations at school. The following behaviors will prevent you from being able to attend the dance:

  • 6 or more unexcused tardies
  • Skipping a class
  • A referral to the assistant principals

This expectation is in effect from May 6 until the afternoon of the dance.

Congratulations to Odle’s Rocketry Teams that competed in the TARC national launch!  Our teams flew their rockets with the top 100 high school and middle school rocketry teams in the nation.  They finished an impressive 8th and 24th place which earned them an invitation to participate in a NASA engineering challenge.  Good work Odle Rocketry!




Hello Everyone. Odle’s Annual Variety (talent) show is coming on Friday June 21st . Do you play a musical instrument? Sing? Dance? Tell a great joke? Perform Magic tricks? Come sign up in the office to audition for our end of the year Variety Show. All acts should be 2 ½ minutes or less. We will hold auditions June 6th and 10th. Practices will be June 13th and 17th with the dress rehearsal to be after school on an afternoon during the last week of school. Get your act ready and come sign up in the office or with Mrs. Thomas or Ms. Pilichowski.


Completed Office Assistant Applications due today by the end of the day to the Counseling Office!


Today’s lunch is chef’s choice.


Have a great day everyone! Enjoy the long Memorial Day weekend. See you back on Tuesday, May 28th.

The Bellevue School District acknowledges that we learn, work, live and gather on the Indigenous Land of the Coast Salish peoples, specifically the Duwamish and Snoqualmie Tribes. We thank these caretakers of this land, who have lived and continue to live here, since time immemorial.