The picture shows students’ indoor recess option on 1/12/2024 because of the freezing temperature at recess. Students watched a short movie if they chose to stay indoor for recess while some students went outside for outdoor time. 照片显示的是在今天天气太寒冷的时候,一部分学生在下课的时候在室内观看一个15分钟的短片。其他学生选择在户外下课。






Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome back to school from winter break!

As the new year is here, we want to thank you for your continued partnership and your trust on us! We want to thank you for your notes of encouragement, generosity towards our staff and our school, and trust in our instructional approach for dual language at JM.

Warm wishes,

Ms. Tan & Mr. Shelton






Important Dates coming up: 重要的日期

  • 1/19/2024: Choice School Registration window closes 幼儿园新学年报名截止日
  • 1/25/2024: Jan. Principal Tea-Overview of Student Welling Being Service
  • 2/6/2024: Feb. Principal Tea-Set Up Technology to Promote Student Well-being
  • 2/11/2024: Lunar New Year Weekend Family Event 12-2pm
  • 2/13/2024: BSD School Board Visit at JM
  • 3/12/2024: Lunar New Year School Performance/Assembly 1:45-3:00pm 农历新年学生表演
  • 3/15/2024: March Principal Tea-Emotion Regulation
  • For 5th Grade parents, here is a list of middle School Open House 初中开放日日期:
  • 6/11/2024 5th Grade Graduation Ceremony 2-3:15pm 五年级毕业典礼
重要日期即将到来: 重要的日期

  • 1/19/2024: Choice School Registration window closes 幼儿园新学年报名截止日
  • 2024 年 1 月 25 日:1 月校长茶会-贝尔维尤学生福利服务概览
  • 2/6/2024: 2月校长茶会-利用技术促进学生福祉
  • 2/11/2024:农历新年周末家庭活动 12-2pm
  • 2024 年 2 月 13 日:BSD 学区校董会参观景美
  • 3/12/2024: Lunar New Year School Performance/Assembly 1:45-3:00pm 农历新年学生汇演
  • 3/15/2024: 三月校长茶会-情绪调节
  • 对于五年级的家长,以下是初中开放日日期的初中开放日名单:
  • 6/11/2024 5th Grade Graduation Ceremony 2-3:15pm 五年级毕业典礼
 Change of Chinese Literacy Assessment at Jing Mei (School Communication for K-5th Grade)

As you all have learned at curriculum night and parent-teacher conference time, this year we started using a new curriculum for Chinese literacy across K-5—Mandarin Matrix. Since we started piloting this new curriculum last year, we have noticed the gap between this curriculum and the assessment tool we’ve been using in the past few years—Chinese TRC (Text Reading Comprehension) assessment. Therefore, this year we will be using the newly designed Mandarin Matrix semester assessment as a new tool to assess students’ learning. This change will be effective starting from Middle of Year assessment window(early January to Mid-February) this year.

We are making change mainly due to the following to reasons:

  1. To make our assessment more closely aligned with our curriculum, so we have a better understanding of students’ learning.
  2. To have a more comprehensive measurement of all the skills for Chinese language and literacy using this assessment, including listening, speaking, reading and writing.


Assessment Chinese TRC Assessment Mandarin Matrix Semester Assessment
Skills Assessed
    • Reading Fluency
    • Comprehension
    • Listening Comprehension
    • Speaking
    • Reading Comprehension
    • Writing Conventions


We understand there is no perfect assessment tool, and this will also be only 1 of the many data points we use to measure students’ learning. We will gather feedback from teachers, students and staff members this year again and make adjustments accordingly if needed.


正如大家在课程之夜和家长会时间所了解到的那样,今年我们开始在K-5中使用新的中文读写课程——Mandarin Matrix。自从我们去年开始试行这个新课程以来,我们注意到这个课程与我们过去几年一直在使用的评估工具——中文TRC(文本阅读理解)评估之间的差距。因此,今年我们将使用新设计的学期评估作为评估学生学习的新工具。此更改将从今年的年中评估窗口(2024年1月初至2月中旬)开始生效。


  1. 使我们的评估与我们的课程更紧密地结合在一起,以便我们更好地了解学生的学习情况。
  2. 通过此评估,对汉语和识字的所有技能进行更全面的测量,包括听、说、读、写。


评估 原来的中文TRC评估 新的Mandarin Matrix学期评估
    • 阅读流利度
    • 理解
    • 听力
    • 读:阅读理解
    • 写作



Principal Tea (School communication to Prek-5th Gr.)

Based on feedback and the behavior we see after Pandemic, we will be offering Family University sessions around Social Emotional learning and mental health support/resources during our Monthly Principal Tea time. The sessions will be hybrid including in person and online option.

The topics will include:

Description: This presentation provides brief information about typical developmental milestones for elementary age students, how Covid-19 has affected children’s overall well-being, how we define behavior and when it becomes a problem, an overview of common childhood mental health challenges, and a list of services available through the Bellevue School District.

Description: Technology is everywhere in our lives. It can provide great benefits; yet when not used with age-appropriate limits and supports, excessive technology use can affect students’ social and emotional functioning. In this session participants will learn about the dual nature of technology, how to support your student in responsible use, and help parents set limits when necessary.


  • Anxiety (April Date/Time to be decided)

Description: Anxiety is one of the most common issues children face that can lead to challenges in school and life. The pandemic and remote schooling showed how anxiety can affect all areas of children’s lives. In this presentation participants will learn about the causes of childhood anxiety, how to know when anxiety may need additional support, and how to access help within the Bellevue School District and community. Specific strategies will be provided to parents to help their child at home.

  • When Perfectionism Goes Too Far (May Date/Time to be decided)

Description: Striving for excellence and having high standards are considered a healthy adaptive and protective coping strategies in life, yet setting excessively high standards with high levels of self-criticism can be unhealthy. In this presentation participants will learn about the definitions of perfectionism, how to know when students’ perfectionism tendencies can become harmful, and how to help students develop a more balanced perspective at home and school.

Guest speaker: MHAT-Behavior Invention and Mental Health Assistant Team Coordinator, Dr. Jared Taylor

If you have topics that you want to see in our future principal tea sessions, please fill in the survey and let us know: Microsoft Forms




  • 贝尔维尤学生福利服务概览 (1/25 9:15-10:15)

说明:本演示文稿简要介绍了小学生的典型发展里程碑、Covid-19 如何影响儿童的整体福祉、我们如何定义他们的各种行为以及行为何时成为问题、常见儿童心理健康挑战的概述以及贝尔维尤学区提供的服务列表。

  • 利用技术促进学生福祉 (2/6/2024 9:15-10:15)


  • 情绪调节(3/15/2024 2:20-3:20pm


  • 焦虑(四月日期/时间待定)


  • 当完美主义太过分时(五月日期/时间待定)



演讲嘉宾:MHAT-行为发明和心理健康助理团队协调员 Jared Taylor 博士


如果您有希望在我们未来的主要茶会上看到的主题,请填写调查并告知我们:Microsoft Forms


Fire Drill (School Communication to Prek to 5th Grade)

 Washington state law and Bellevue School District policy require all schools to hold at least one drill per calendar month while school is in session. This month, we will be conducting a fire drill and practicing evacuating the building and accounting for everyone.

During a fire evacuation, students are taught to quickly and quietly exit the building. They meet on the field at an assigned location and stay silent while attendance is taken to ensure all people have safely evacuated.

Please talk with your student about preparing for emergencies and disasters such as fires. Encourage them to talk about their concerns and express their feelings. Emphasize that even though sometimes things happen that we may not expect, there are lots of things we can do to help us stay safe.

For more information on fire safety, you might want to visit the National Fire Protection Association “Kids” page at or their parent resource page at






有关消防安全的更多信息,您可能需要访问国家消防协会“儿童”页面  或其家长资源页面


New Kindergarten Info Session (School communication to Prek-5th Gr.)

The incoming K info sessio(In Person) was held in December. Please forward this to your friends or family that have children who would like to attend Jing Mei. The incoming Kindergarten application deadline is 1/19/2024. 景美幼儿园申请截止日期为1/19/2024. 欢迎您跟家人和朋友分享以下信息:

Here is the link to the site: Applying to Jing Mei – Jing Mei Elementary School (





去年12月我们举行了2024新学年 幼儿园新生(Kindergarten )信息交流见面。请将此信息转发给您有孩子并想就读景美的朋友或家人。新学年幼儿园申请截止日期是 2024 年 1 月 19 日。景美幼儿园申请日期为2024年1月19日。欢迎您关注家人和朋友分享以下信息:


以下是网站链接: Applying to Jing Mei – Jing Mei Elementary School (



January Counselor Corner (School Communication for JM PreK-5th Grade)

Counselor Newsletter – English



Counselor Newsletter – Mandarin

WIDA Access Inform Letter (School Communication for JM K-5th Grade)

Each year, students in English learner programs take the ACCESS for ELLs assessment to measure their English knowledge and skills. The test measures academic English language proficiency for students learning English in our school and throughout our state. It is an online assessment given to all students in grades 1 to 12 who are eligible for English language development (ELD) services. Students in Kindergarten will take the WIDA Kindergarten ACCESS test as their annual ELP assessment. Both of these assessments measures students’ English language proficiency, both knowledge and skills, in four language domains (reading, listening, writing, and speaking). Teachers in our school use this information to help them make decisions about instruction for your child. Teachers also use these test scores to monitor the progress your child makes toward English proficiency. The annual testing window for Spring 2024 is from 1/29/2024 to 3/22/2024.

When students take the test, they start with practice items that help familiarize them with the test platform. Your child does not need to study for this test. The test is an opportunity for students to demonstrate what they understand and can communicate in English. Please prepare for test day by making sure your child gets plenty of sleep and eats breakfast before testing.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email our MLL facilitator, Ms. Wei ([email protected]).

WIDA 考试的信息(面向幼儿园到五年级家庭和学生)


每年,英语学习课程的学生都要参加ACCESS for ELLs语言能力考试。该考试用于测量在我们学校和全州范围内学习英语的学生的学术英语水平。一到十二年级的英语学习课程的学生将参加网上的测试。幼儿园的学生将参加纸笔的一对一英语测试。这两个测试都是用来衡量您孩子听说读写四个方面的英语知识和技能。我校老师凭借这些信息来做出针对您的子女的教学决定。老师也用这些考试分数来监测您的子女英语水平的进展情况。今年考试的时间为2024年1月29日到3月22日之间。

在正式考试开始之前,学生会针对如何操作考试平台进行练习。您的子女不需要特别准备这项考试。这项考试给学生一个机会来展现他们的英文理解及用英文交流的能力。 请确保您的子女前一晚有足够的睡眠及考试当天有吃早餐。

如果你有任何疑问,请联系我们的多语言学习辅导老师魏老师 [email protected]

PTSA Organized Afterschool Program (PTSA Communication to K-5 Gr. )

Enrichment class for Session 2 will open next week. Note that Science class had to be canceled due to vendor availability. We will still offer 4 classes (K-Pop, Robotics, Pottery, and Kung-fu). PTSA members will receive early-bird registration, and each parent volunteer will have priority spot in one class and $100 discount (see sign-up details). If you haven’t completed your PTSA membership registration, please sign-up here. You can also refer to this post for more info about the PTSA.


Spots are still open for Wednesday’s chess club with Jing Mei Phoenix Check Mates! First session starts Wednesday 1/10, so please enroll by Monday 1/8. Complete your payment in this post to enroll & confirm your child’s spot. The next program will run from Winter through Spring. Please note, your child will not be able to concurrently enroll in Chess Club and Robotics class due to conflicting schedule.

PTSA 组织的课后班(PTSA沟通面向学前班至五年级)

第二阶段强化班将于下周开设。请注意,由于供应商的实际情况,科学课程不得不取消。我们仍将提供 4 个课程(K-Pop、机器人、陶艺和功夫)。 PTSA 会员将获得提早注册的机会,每位家长志愿者将获得一个班级的优先名额和 100 美元折扣(参见报名详情)。如果您尚未完成 PTSA 会员注册,请在此处注册。您还可以参考这篇文章,了解有关 PTSA 的更多信息。


周三与的Jing Mei Phoenix Check Mates 国际象棋俱乐部仍有空位!第一期于 1 月 10 日星期三开始,因此请在 1 月 8 日星期一之前报名。在这篇文章中完成您的付款以注册并确认您孩子的注册是否成功。下一个项目将从冬季持续到春季。请注意,由于日程冲突,您的孩子将无法同时报名参加国际象棋俱乐部和机器人课程。


On your marks, get set, Girls on the RUN! (PTSA Communication to 3-5 Gr. )

It’s that time of year again, when the Jing Mei Girls on the Run program kicks off for our annual Spring Season.

For those who haven’t participated before, GotR is about much more than just running.

The GotR program is designed to:

  • Enhance girls’ social, psychological, and physical skills and behaviors with research-based lessons that teach critical life skills like managing emotions, helping others, making intentional decisions, and resolving conflict.
  • Create durable confidence for the participants as they learn they can do difficult things, and they are reminded that they can break down big challenges into smaller runs and in the end of the season go so much farther than they ever thought they could.
  • Did we mention it’s fun? fun and running?  yes.  it’s both!

The GotR program is delivered by volunteer coaches who complete extensive training focused on fostering an inclusive environment, celebrating individual achievements, and creatively integrating movement in a fun and motivating way.  For the 2022 season, the Jing Mei Girls cumulatively ran from Bellevue to Vancouver BC.  for the 2023 season, we cumulatively ran from Bellevue to Vancouver BC, and BACK!  we can’t wait to see how far the girls will run this year!

Participants don’t need to already be runners! Girls currently in 3rd through 5th grades, who are willing to try running are welcome to sign-up.  Space is limited, and is allotted on a first come first serve basis.

We are also eagerly looking for any volunteers (specifically Moms/aunts/grandmas) who might be interested in joining our current volunteer team.  The more volunteers we have, the more girls we can allow into the program.  This is a great opportunity to have fun, interact with your daughter (or daughters) and her friends in a unique and healthy way, and learn together.  (especially if you have a 5th grader, these opportunities to participate in things together largely disappear in Middle School.) You don’t need to be a runner, and don’t necessarily need to run with the girls, just to be there to encourage and help is enough!

Our 10-week season will be held every Wednesday (1:15-2:45)  and Friday (3.30-5:00) after school beginning on March 25th, and ending with our celebratory regional 5K fun run at Renton Memorial Stadium on May 19th. 

Connection and teamwork build confident and resilient girls. Girls on the Run provides a safe and inclusive space to thrive and flourish—register your girl today by visiting and signing up for Jing Mei elementary.

Partial and full scholarships are available. Visit to learn more and register. Questionsa bout the program over all, Email [email protected].  questions about volunteering at Jing Mei, email Justin:  [email protected] or Frank: [email protected]



又到了春季,一年一度的景美小学 Girls on the Run即将拉开帷幕。

如果你从未参加过,请相信GotR 不仅仅是跑步。


  • 通过基于长期调研的课程,提高女孩的社交、心理和身体技能和行为,从而教授她们关键的生活技能,如管理情绪、帮助他人、做出有意识的决定和解决冲突。
  •  为参与者建立持久的信心,通过让她们了解她们可以做困难的事情,并提醒她们可以将大挑战分解成更小的步骤,并在赛季结束时走得比她们想象的要远得多。
  • 别忘了它很有趣。有趣和跑步? 是的,在我们这里,两者兼而有之!

GotR 计划由志愿者教练教授,他们完成了大量的培训,重点是营造包容性环境、赞扬个人成就以及以有趣和激励的方式创造性地整合运动。 在 2022 赛季,Jing Mei 女生们累计从贝尔维尤到加拿大温哥华。 在 2023 赛季,累计上我们不仅到了温哥华,而且跑了个来回! 我们真是迫不及待地想看看今年她们会跑多远!

参与者不需要已经是跑步者!只要是目前在三年级至五年级的女孩,愿意尝试跑步,都可以报名参加。 名额有限,先到先得。

我们也热切地寻找任何可能有兴趣加入我们当前志愿者团队的志愿者(特别是妈妈/阿姨/祖母们)。 我们的志愿者越多,可以接受的女孩就越多。 这是一个很好的机会,又可以玩得开心,也是以独特而健康的方式与您的女儿(们)和她的朋友们互动,一起学习。 (特别是如果你有一个五年级学生,这些一起参与活动的机会在中学基本上消失了。你不需要成为跑步者,也不一定要和女孩们一起跑步,只是在那里鼓励和帮助就足够了!

我们为期 10 周的赛季将于  3 25 日放学后每周三 (115-245周五 (330-500  举行,并于 5 19 日在伦顿纪念体育场举行庆祝区域 5公里 趣味跑。

人际交往和团队合作造就了自信和坚韧的女孩。Girls on the Run 提供了一个安全和包容的空间来茁壮成长——立即通过访问 并注册 Jing Mei elementary 来注册您的女孩。

本课程提供部分和全额奖学金。访问 了解更多信息并注册。问题总体上是程序,电子邮件 [email protected]。 关于在Jing Mei做志愿者的问题,请发送电子邮件至Justin: [email protected]Frank:[email protected]


Jing Mei Chess Scholastic Tournament (PTSA Communication to K-5 Gr. )

Please see the following information on the Jing Mei Chess Scholastic Tournament:

Jing Mei Chess Tournament Flyer

景美象棋学术锦标赛(PTSA K-5 年级的交流)



Mental Health Resources for Families (District Communication for Prek-5th Gr.)

This fall, the Counseling Department added Mental Health links to support us with resources and materials under the Mental Health Services webpage.

Students and families are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the content to better understand these topics and how to access support if a mental health concern may arise.

家庭心理健康资源(Prek-5 年级地区沟通)




Register for Spring for Schools, Hosted by the Bellevue Schools Foundation (District Communication for Prek-5th Gr.)

I’m excited to share that Spring for Schools 2024 registration is live! You are invited to attend Bellevue Schools Foundation‘s annual event on Saturday, March 30 at 5:00 p.m., and I truly hope to see you there! As a reminder, Bellevue Schools Foundation provides critical funding to our school– you can take a look at the programs supported in our classrooms here. {Insert a line about a favorite program of yours/why you believe funding from BSF is critical}The evening will offer attendees a chance to connect with one another and teachers, and explore the initiatives funded by BSF in their signature Education Showcase.


Event registration is free, and childcare will be provided as capacity allows. Additional event details can be found here. The purpose of the evening is to raise funding so that BSF can continue to provide transformational opportunities for our students and teachers — please consider making a donation here.

报名参加由贝尔维尤学校基金会主办的学校春季活动(Prek-5 年级地区交流)

我很高兴地告诉大家,2024 年春季活动注册现已上线! 您受邀参加 3 月 30 日星期六下午 5:00 举行的贝尔维尤学校基金会年度活动,我真诚地希望在那里见到您! 谨此提醒,贝尔维尤学校基金会为我们学校提供重要资金——您可以在此处查看我们教室支持的项目。 {插入一行关于您最喜欢的项目/为什么您认为 BSF 的资助至关重要}晚会将为与会者提供一个相互交流和与老师交流的机会,并在其标志性教育展示中探索 BSF 资助的举措。


活动注册是免费的,并且将在容量允许的情况下提供托儿服务。 其他活动详情可在此处找到。 晚会的目的是筹集资金,以便 BSF 能够继续为我们的学生和教师提供转型机会——请考虑在这里捐款

Sign up for Edulog Parent Portal to Receive Transportation Updates (District Communication for K-5th Gr.)

Beginning in January 2024, all BSD bus cancellations, delays and updates will be shared directly through the Edulog Parent Portal, the district’s transportation information platform. Families who would like to receive notification about impacts to their bus routes must sign up for Edulog. Specific route cancellations, delays and updates will not be shared routinely through direct district emails, text messages, robo calls or social media in the new year. However, districtwide messages will continue to be sent at the discretion of the district, on an as-needed basis.


The Edulog Parent Portal provides an efficient student transportation resource management tool allowing families to receive more timely messages that impact student safety, ridership and routing. For students or families unable to acquire access to the smartphone app, the district will contact families through text message using the Talking Points platform in their preferred home language to ensure all families have equal access to information. Additionally, a route cancellation link will be added to the BSD transportation webpage listing service impacts.

注册 Edulog 家长门户网站以接收交通更新(K-5 年级的学区通讯)

从 2024 年 1 月开始,所有有关校车取消、延误和更新都将直接通过该学区的交通信息平台 Edulog Parent Portal 发送。 希望收到有关校车路线受到影响的通知的家庭必须注册 Edulog。 新的一年里,具体路线的取消、延误和更新将不会通过直接的学区电子邮件、短信、自动呼叫或社交媒体进行例行分享。 然而,学区范围内的消息将根据需要继续由学区酌情发送。


Edulog 家长门户提供了高效的学生交通资源管理工具,使家庭能够更及时地收到影响学生安全、乘客量和路线的消息。 对于无法访问智能手机应用程序的学生或家庭,学区将使用 Talking Points 平台以其首选的母语通过短信联系家庭,以确保所有家庭都能平等地获取信息。 此外,BSD 交通网页上将添加路线取消链接,列出收影响的路线。

Attend the Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Health Fair on January 15  (District Communication for K-5th Gr.)

The City of Bellevue’s annual Martin Luther King Jr. Health Fair, presented in partnership with the Bellevue alumnae chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., returns as an in-person event on Monday, January 15 (MLK Day), 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. at Crossroads Bellevue, 15600 NE Eighth St.

After three virtual events 2021-2023, the 2024 celebration will feature health vendors and wellness presentations, along with performances from local artists and remarks from city councilmembers and other community leaders. The theme of the event is “health equity.”


参加 1 月 15 日举行的年度马丁·路德·金健康博览会  (District Communication for K-5th Gr.)

贝尔维尤市一年一度的马丁·路德·金健康博览会与 Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. 的贝尔维尤校友分会合作举办,将于 1 月 15 日星期一(马丁·路德·金日)以现场活动形式回归 上午11点至下午 4:点。地址:Crossroads Bellevue 地址:15600 NE 8th St. 在 2021 年至 2023 年举办三场线上活动之后,2024 年的庆祝活动将以相关供应商和演示、当地艺术家的表演以及市议员和其他社区领导人的讲话为此活动特色。 本次活动的主题是“健康平权”。

The Bellevue School District acknowledges that we learn, work, live and gather on the Indigenous Land of the Coast Salish peoples, specifically the Duwamish and Snoqualmie Tribes. We thank these caretakers of this land, who have lived and continue to live here, since time immemorial.