students walking into school in unorganized line

The district acknowledges the impact of the last several months on our students, educators and families. Coupled with a post-pandemic return to buildings, the school building consolidation process has put a collective focus on how we support our students academically, socially and emotionally — while adjusting to our financial reality. As shared broadly throughout these discussions of planning for the future, we share a commitment to continuing the world-class education we have here in Bellevue.

On Thursday, March 16, at a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors, a 3-0-2 vote approved the district’s plan to consolidate Wilburton and Eastgate Elementary School buildings. Additional cuts in spending and administrative costs will help to fully address the budget shortfall. Transition planning will now begin in preparation for fall 2023. In addressing the impact of the decision, Incoming Superintendent, Dr. Kelly Aramaki, stated, “Looking ahead to the future, we have the very best that the Bellevue School District can offer ahead of us — a future of innovation, student and staff wellbeing, joy, the strengthening of our Beloved Community, and the raising of a generation of kids who will go out and change the world.”

Beginning this week, the district’s weekly updates will highlight the efforts to ensure a welcoming and inclusive start to the new school year. Regional Implementation Teams, in partnership with district leaders, are fully immersed in the work of preparing a smooth transition for students, staff and families as communities come together.

Regional Implementation Teams are made up of parents, classified staff, certificated staff, and administrators from each of the impacted schools. These teams are working to co-design and co-construct the transition elements. These teams are utilizing the Bolman and Deal Leadership Framework to ensure they are attending to four frames impacted by the recommendation. The four primary areas their work is organized around include:

  • Structural – The structural frame includes operational issues that affect the structure of schools including but not limited to transportation needs, open enrollment processes for impacted families, daily schedules, and building organization.
  • Human Resources – The human resources frame is intended to ensure that all staff have the information they need during the period of transition and are able to take part in opportunities for ongoing professional learning.
  • Political – The political frame seeks to identify the needs of school communities, highlighting multiple perspectives and seeking to engage families equitably.
  • Symbolic – The symbolic frame centers the need to build community intentionally among the regionally impacted schools. Potential ideas for community building activities include pen pals, field trips and playdates. This group seeks the perspectives of students and staff, including the input of staff beyond the classroom teacher, such as specialists, interventionists, counselors/social workers and others.

Regional teams and district staff will continue to meet on a weekly basis over the course of the school year to continue to develop strategies around these four areas in the instructional change framework. Weekly updates will be shared through direct messages to the community and posted to the district website.

Previous Weekly Updates

The Bellevue School District acknowledges that we learn, work, live and gather on the Indigenous Land of the Coast Salish peoples, specifically the Duwamish and Snoqualmie Tribes. We thank these caretakers of this land, who have lived and continue to live here, since time immemorial.